The site parameters are located in config/_default/params.toml
by default.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
sass_transpiler | string | libsass | dartsass is recommended, since libsass is deprecated. |
Page | |||
mainSections | Array | ["posts"] | Main sections |
titleCase | Boolean | false | Capitalized title or not |
titleSeparator | String | - | Title separator |
backgroundImage | Array | [] | Background image, such as ['/images/bg.png'] , ['/images/bg-light.png', '/images/bg-dark.png'] . |
comment | Boolean | true | Whether to enable comments |
toc | Boolean | true | Whether to enable TOC |
tocWordCount | Integer | 280 | TOC is displayed only if the post’s word count is greater than this value. |
tocPosition | String | sidebar | Available values: sidebar and content , only the posts layout is affected. |
breadcrumb | Boolean | true | Whether to enable breadcrumb |
dateFormat | String | Jan 2, 2006 | Date format. Checkout the Hugo Date and Time Templating Reference for details. |
poweredBy | Boolean | true | Whether to show powered by. |
readingTime | Boolean | true | Whether to display the reading time. |
postDate | Boolean | true | Whether to display the post date in the post meta section. |
math | Boolean | false | Whether to enable math globally. |
diagram | Boolean | false | Whether to enable diagram globally. |
logo | String/Boolean | images/logo.webp | Logo image. Disable logo by setting it to false . |
brand | String | - | Brand text. |
description | String | - | Site description. |
keywords | String | - | Site keywords. |
color | String | - | Color mode, light , dark or auto . Default to auto . |
palette | String | - | Default palette. This will take effect after clearing the Cookie. |
palettes | Array | ALL | Available palettes. You can disable it by setting it to empty [] . |
carouselPostCount | Integer | 5 | The number of posts shown on the homepage carousel. |
featuredPostCount | Integer/Boolean | 5 | The number of featured posts shown in sidebar. Turn off by setting it to false . |
recentPostCount | Integer/Boolean | 5 | The number of recent posts shown in sidebar. Turn off by setting it to false . |
relatedPostCount | Integer/Boolean | 5 | The number of related posts. Turn off by setting it to false . |
categoryCount | Integer/Boolean | 10 | The number of categories shown in sidebar. Turn off by setting it to false . |
tagCount | Integer/Boolean | 10 | The number of tags shown in sidebar. Turn off by setting it to false . |
seriesCount | Integer | 10 | The number of series shown in sidebar. |
taxonomyPaginate | Integer | 10 | |
taxonomyPostCount | Integer | 3 | The number of taxonomy’s posts. Turn off by setting it to false. |
taxonomySortingMethod | String | - | Sorting taxonomies by popularity , sort alphabetically by default. |
countTaxonomyPosts | Boolean | false | Count posts of taxonomy. |
sidebarTaxonomies | Array | ["series", "categories", "tags"] | The taxonomies on the sidebar. |
fullWidth | Boolean | false | Full width. |
fullWidthInSections | Object | - | Specify the full width for particular sections, such as posts , docs . |
fixedHeader | Boolean | true | Turn on/off fixed header. |
reward | Object | - | Reward Widget, AKA Buy Me a Coffee Widget. |
externalLinkIcon | Boolean | true | Whether to show the icons after the external links. |
share | Object | - | Share buttons |
share.addThis | String | - | AddThis’s pubid . |
fontSize | Object | Font Sizes | Comment or remove this parameter to disable font size switcher. |
fontSize.small | String | .9rem | Small font size. |
fontSize.extraSmall | String | .8rem | Extra small font size. |
fontSize.large | String | 1.1rem | Large font size. |
fontSize.extraLarge | String | 1.2rem | Extra large font size. |
social | Object | - | Social Links. |
socialAnimation | Boolean | true | Remove animation from social links if false . |
socialColor | Boolean | true | Remove color from social links if false . |
socialShare | Boolean | true | Turn on/off built-on social share button. |
searchBar | Boolean | true | Turn on/off built-on search bar. |
archive | Object | - | Archive. |
search | Object | - | Search. |
docsearch | Object | - | DocSearch |
docsearch.container | String | .search-button | |
docsearch.appId | String | - | |
docsearch.indexName | String | - | |
docsearch.apiKey | String | - | |
docsearch.debug | Boolean | false | |
docsearch.* | Boolean/String/Number | - | |
algolia | Object | - | See Algolia |
Top App Bar | |||
topAppBar | Object | - | | | Object | - | Social Links. |
topAppBar.colorToggle | Boolean | true | Turn on/off the color/mode toggle. |
topAppBar.coloredInDark | Boolean | false | Colored in dark mode. |
topAppBar.dropdownMenuToggle | Boolean | true | Hide the dropdown menu toggle. |
topAppBar.expandBreakpoint | string | xxl | Expand content above this breakpoint, e.g. lg , xl , xxl . |
Webmaster Site Verification | |||
siteVerification | Object | - | | | String | - | | | String | - | Bing | | String | - | Baidu |
siteVerification.baiduUnion | String | - | Baidu Union | | String | - | Qihoo 360 |
siteVerification.sogou | String | - | Sogou |
siteVerification.shenma | String | - | Shenma |
Analytics | |||
analytics | Object | - | Analytics configuration. | | String | - | Baidu Analytics. |
analytics.plausible | String | - | Plausible Analytics Domains. Multiple domains separate by comma. |
analytics.plausibleScript | String | | Specify the self-hosted Plausible Analytics script or extended script. |
googleAdsense | String | - | Google Adsense. |
customCSS | Array | - | See also custom assets. |
customJS | Array | - | See also custom assets. |
utterances | Object | - | Utterances configuration. |
giscus | Object | - | Giscus configuration. |
Creative Commons License | |||
creativeCommons | Object | - | | | Boolean | true | Credit must be given to you, the creator. | | Boolean | true | Only noncommercial use of your work is permitted. |
creativeCommons.nd | Boolean | true | No derivatives or adaptations of your work are permitted. | | Boolean | true | Adaptations must be shared under the same terms. |
Code Block | |||
codeBlock | Object | - | |
codeBlock.maxLines | Integer | 7 | |
codeBlock.lineNos | Boolean | true | true /false represents that show/hide the line numbers by default. |
Post | |||
post | Object | - | |
post.excerpt | String | Description | The description will be used as the excerpt if not empty, to use summaries as excerpt, you’ll need to set it as empty string explicitly. |
post.excerptMaxLength | Integer | 320 | |
post.copyright | Boolean | true | Whether to display copyright section on each post. |
post.plainifyExcerpt | Boolean | true | Format excerpt in HTML if false . |
post.featuredImage | Boolean | false | Show the featured image above the content. |
post.numberifyHeadings | Boolean | false | Count headings automatically. |
post.numberifyHeadingsEndLevel | Number | 6 | The depth of headings to count. |
post.numberifyHeadingsSeparator | String | - | The separator between of number and headings. |
post.tocStyleType | String | none | The TOC’s CSS list-style-type property. |
post.imageTitleAsCaption | Boolean | false | Use image title as caption. |
post.panel | Boolean | true | Turn on/off the post panel. |
post.nav | Boolean | true | Turn on/off the navigations. |
post.readMoreFromContent | Boolean | false | The page position after clicking the read more button, read more from content if true. Default to the beginning of page. It supports only of the manual summaries splitting via <!--more--> . |
viewer | Boolean | true | Image Viewer |
pwa | Object | - | Progressive Web Apps |
Sidebar | |||
sidebar | Object | - | |
sidebar.fixed | Boolean | false | Fix default sidebar. |
sidebar.taxonomiesToggle | Boolean | true | Show the taxonomies toggle widget on the sidebar. |
sidebar.taxonomiesToggleArchives | Boolean | true | Show/Hide the archives from the taxonomies toggle. |
sidebar.series | Boolean | false | Show the series widget on the sidebar. |
sidebar.categories | Boolean | false | Show the categories widget on the sidebar. |
sidebar.tags | Boolean | false | Show the tags widget on the sidebar. |
sidebar.archives | Boolean | false | Show the archive widget on the sidebar. |
sidebar.authors | Boolean | false | Show the authors widget on the sidebar. |
sidebar.postsToggle | Boolean | true | Show the posts toggle on the sidebar. |
sidebar.featuredPosts | Boolean | false | Show the featured posts widget on the sidebar. |
sidebar.recentPosts | Boolean | false | Show the recent posts widget on the sidebar. |
sidebar.collapsed | Boolean | flase | Collapse sidebar widgets by default on small screens. |
Meta Tag | |||
metaRobots | String | - | Empty means that turn it off. |
contact | Object | - | Contact Form |
pinnedPost | Boolean | true | Turn on/off pinned posts. |
pinnedPostCount | Integer | 1 | The number of pinned posts. |
rss | String/Boolean | true | Display the RSS button on the social links. Turn it off by false , link it to homepage all the times by setting it to home . |
feeds | Object | - | RSS feeds |
feeds.content | Boolean | false | Display the full content if ebabled. |
actionsPanel | Object | - | |
actionsPanel.disabled | Boolean | false | Disable actions panel. |
repo | Object | - | See Repository widget. |
docs.nav | Object | - | Docs layout navigation. |
docs.nav.reduceFontSize | Boolean | true | When false , don’t reduce the font size of children navigation. |
Except the Google webmaster tool, the other webmaster tools cannot work with
hugo --minify
, because they cannot recognize the minified meta tag.